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This Week At The Cinema 13/01/2012

This week has the release of the best first date movie ever.

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Sex In The Movies

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Review: Shame

The only Shame review on the internet that doesn’t talk about Michael Fassbender’s magnificent penis

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Poster appears for McQueen latest “Shame”

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Fox Searchlight’s official tumblr posted up this ever so teasing poster for the latest addition to Michael Fassbender’s portfolio. SHAME is the story of Brandon [Fassbender], a New-yorkian who has a terrible time dealing with his sex life. Shortly after meeting the horny protagonist, his wayward sister makes her way into his life and decides to stay with him for a while, throwing his sex-addicted lifestyle into a spiralling mass of emotionally riddled drama.

SHAME is the latest brain child of Steve McQueen, no, not the guy who jumped a barbed-wire fence during the Great Escape, but the same guy who brought us the formidable HUNGER the gut wrenching drama of Irish republicans during a hunger strike in prison. But, if McQueen did thoroughly pulverise and pile drive your emotions back in 2008, then SHAME is guaranteed to really knock you for ten.

To give you an idea of what your in for, here’s a sneaky look at a quote from a review on the legendary IMDB about the film;

 “The titular Shame in question is what Brandon (Michael Fassbender), a posh yuppie living in New York City, must live with every day. He is a sex addict, and his addiction knows no bounds. His estranged sister Sissy (Carey Mulligan) has also just dropped by his apartment for an extended stay, making things all the worse.”

 “McQueen does not shy away from hard truths, and does not even try to mask the explicit nature of some of the sexual acts. Seeing how far Brandon will go to satisfy and suppress himself is simply harrowing, not unlike films like Trainspotting and Requiem for a Dream were with their characters’ drug addictions.”

Shame comes to British cinemas on the 13th of January 2012. But for now, check out the extended clip below.